Decentralized Governance

What is Terracoin ?

Created on October 26th, 2012, TRC is one of the oldest cryptocoins in existence. Unlike traditional fiat currencies, TRC is decentralized meaning there is no central bank. The Terracoin Foundation is dedicated to helping the world through donations. Decentralized governance allows masternode owners to control the future of TRC.

Our Mission

Terracoin is not just a cryptocurrency. It is a community with a common goal of helping everyone around the world.

Decentralized Governance



Allows people with masternodes to vote on proposals to help guide the future of the coin and how it effects people.

A service reward is paid out to masternode owners everywhere in the world.

The Terracoin Foundation is dedicated to helping people around the world.


Current Core

In order to start using, trading, or hoarding Terracoin, you will first need a place to store it. We recommend starting with the applicable desktop application for your computer. After installing the application and running it for the first time, we recommend backing up your Private Key.

For more information on wallet setup and best practices please visit us at our GitHub.

Other Platforms (32 bit)

Terracoin Electrum Wallets

TRCpay Wallets

