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法国默东--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)-- 欧盟计划到2030年确保所有公民都能享受千兆宽带体验,为此,EOLO选择了泰雷兹的领先连接解决方案来助力这一目标的实现。要达成这一愿景,像固定无线接入(FWA)这样的创新解决方案至关重要。FWA能够为缺乏传统光纤或铜缆网络的地区提供高速互联网。对于连接小城镇和农村地区的居民、支持经济增长和缩小数字鸿沟,FWA都发挥着关键作用。 EOLO的加速连接愿景 作为意大利领先的FWA提供商,EOLO始终致力于通过领先的无线电技术,为用户提供经济实惠的高速互联网服务。该公司目前为超过70万户家庭提供服务,其FWA连接下载速度最高可达300 Mbps。为了进一步改善客户体验,并在意大利全境提供能够消除数字速度鸿沟的服务,EOLO计划于2025年推出融合5G和毫米波(mmWave)技术的千兆FWA服务。这一部署将包括新建5G天线网络,以及在用户端安装数千台支持eSIM技术的终端设备。 泰雷兹的安全连接技术专长 泰雷兹通过提供eSIM管理平台——按需订阅管理器(OSM),将在这一扩展计划中发挥关键作用。这项技术能让EOLO的5G路由器预...
Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Appoints Megan Howe Head of Claims, Australasia
Scholar Rock Presents New Phase 3 SAPPHIRE Data at the 2025 Muscular Dystrophy Association Clinical & Scientific Conference
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Scholar Rock (NASDAQ: SRRK), a late-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on advancing innovative treatments for neuromuscular diseases, cardiometabolic disorders, and other serious diseases where protein growth factors play a fundamental role, today announced that new efficacy and safety data from the Phase 3 pivotal SAPPHIRE trial (NCT05156320) will be presented in multiple clinical presentations at the 2025 Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) Clinical &a...
UL Solutions to Develop an Advanced Automotive Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory in Japan
NORTHBROOK, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--UL Solutions Inc. (NYSE: ULS), a global leader in applied safety science, today announced plans to develop a new advanced automotive electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) laboratory in Toyota City, Japan, to provide testing to help manufacturers protect against electromagnetic interference that can cause critical systems in vehicles, like braking and engine control, to malfunction. Today’s vehicles are equipped with more complex electronic components and faster...
UL Solutions、先進的な自動車業界向け電磁両立性試験所を日本に建設
イリノイ州ノースブルック--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- 安全科学における世界的リーダーであるUL Solutions(NYSE:ULS)は、新たに先進的な自動車業界向け電磁両立性(EMC)試験所を日本の愛知県豊田市に新設する計画を発表しました。この試験所は、ブレーキやエンジン制御などの車両のクリティカルシステムに誤作動が生じる可能性のある電磁妨害を防止するための試験サービスを提供することを目的としています。 今日の自動車は、より複雑で処理スピードの速い電子部品が搭載されているため、電磁妨害が引き起こされる可能性が増大しています。性能と信頼性のレベルを測定するEMC試験は、メーカーが国際規格に準拠していることを実証し、世界中で法令に則った市場参入を可能にし、電磁妨害に起因する故障を防止する上で役立ちます。自動車分野におけるEMC試験は今後も需要の拡大が予想されており、自動車製造の主要拠点である日本は非常に重要な市場といえます。 「日本での事業を拡大することで、独立性が高く科学に立脚した革新的なEMC試験サービスを提供する対応能力と機能が強化されます」と、...
EU Investors Have Opportunity to Lead enCore Energy Corp. Securities Fraud Lawsuit with the Schall Law Firm
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--EU Investors Have Opportunity to Lead enCore Energy Corp. Securities Fraud Lawsuit with the Schall Law Firm...
FLNC INVESTOR ALERT: Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman LLC Announces that Fluence Energy, Inc. Investors with Substantial Losses Have Opportunity to Lead Class Action Lawsuit
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Attorney Advertising--Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC, a nationally recognized law firm, notifies investors that a class action lawsuit has been filed against Fluence Energy, Inc. (“Fluence” or “the Company”) (NASDAQ: FLNC) and certain of its officers. Class Definition This lawsuit seeks to recover damages against Defendants for alleged violations of the federal securities laws on behalf of all persons and entities that purchased or otherwise acquired Fluence s...
XIFR INVESTOR ALERT: Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman LLC Announces That XPLR Infrastructure, LP Investors With Substantial Losses Have Opportunity to Lead Class Action Lawsuit
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Attorney Advertising--Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC, a nationally recognized law firm, notifies investors that a class action lawsuit has been filed against XPLR Infrastructure, LP f/k/a NextEra Energy Partners, LP ("XPLR" or the "Company") (NYSE: XIFR) and certain of its officers. XPLR acquires, owns, and manages contracted clean energy projects in the United States, including a portfolio of contracted renewable generation assets consisting of wind, solar, a...
TFII Investors Have Opportunity to Lead TFI International Inc. Securities Fraud Lawsuit with the Schall Law Firm
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--TFII Investors Have Opportunity to Lead TFI International Inc. Securities Fraud Lawsuit with the Schall Law Firm...
Storm Recovery: U-Haul Offers 30 Days Free Storage at 366 Centers
LITTLE ROCK, Ark.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--U-Haul® has made 366 Company stores available to help storm victims with 30 days of free self-storage and U-Box® container usage after a powerful weather system produced deadly tornadoes, fires, flooding and wind damage across a line of states Friday through Sunday morning. The storms destroyed homes and property – and in some cases communities – while the tornado outbreak was responsible for a number of casualties. Many families remain without power and face...