The results of a survey conducted by PwC published today suggest that data will be the most important consideration in 2019 and that consumer data is the most valuable for companies to harvest.
And in PwC's 22nd Annual Global CEO survey, 94% consider data on customer and client preferences/needs as critical or important.
It's been accepted that for some time, data is the key to unlocking customer value and when it comes to predicting trends in retail, in 2019 data, or more importantly, the smart use of customer data is now firmly at the top of the list.
According to the survey - of nearly 300 CEOs in the U.S. in companies with a turnover in excess of $500 million - 86% of businesses say 2019 is the year in which they will race to extract value from data. And perhaps what is more revealing is that 88% say that in 2019 they have the potential to pull ahead of their rivals in this race.
Customer data that feeds new value propositions, new and improved experiences, and new revenue models is how winners will distance themselves from the pack
PwC Annual Global CEO Survey
But of course, the challenge as always is how we can trust the quality and integrity of the data. This is a huge challenge. According to PwC, the solution is trusted data optimization: an approach that enhances organizational trust in data and its uses while enabling rapid, risk-based decisions about how to turn data into value.
The Data Most Businesses Want
Top of the list for companies wishing to extract value from data is consumer data, PwC’s Pulse Survey reveals. Further, it shows that executives particularly value data on consumer preferences, current and predicted.
Data, of course, can, for example, enable retailers to target promotions and products to individual consumers. That much we've known but now for the first time, many executives are realizing that data and artificial intelligence (AI) can provide the key to unlocking a whole new era of consumer engagement.
As if to underline the value of data, according to research at the University of Texas, two billion dollars annually would be the average revenue boost to Fortune 1000 companies from increasing data’s usability by just 10%.
There are, of course, obstacles to maximizing the usability of data such as regulatory and fears over the inaccuracy of the data both currently held and yet to gather.
But those will be overcome and when they are we can expect a new age of personalization the likes of which we've only imagined until now. The question remains, however, will we be ready to accept it?