Earn better returns.

Lending Club Solutions for Institutions

Increasingly, institutions—asset managers, pensions, and banks alike—are looking to whole loans available through the Lending Club platform to:

  • Access a new asset class. Institutions can purchase personal and small business whole loans easily and directly through the Lending Club platform.
  • Generate cash flow and competitive yields. Consumer credit interest rates have been consistently high throughout different interest rate environments. Today, while other fixed income assets continue to yield near zero, whole loans available through the Lending Club platform can generate income and consistent cash flows.
  • Seek attractive returns. Personal loans available through Lending Club's standard program have projected returns between 4% to 10%.1,3 Click here for information on the standard program.

As the world's largest online credit marketplace, Lending Club facilitates billions in loans each year. We have an annual run rate of $9.8 billion as of September 30, 2020. Lending Club offers institutions the longest track record in the industry, sophisticated risk management, and easy-to-use tools to build and modify customized loan portfolios.

Contact us to learn more.

Products for Your Needs

Lending Club started with the standard loan program, which serves eligible personal loan borrowers with FICO scores of 660 or above. Later, we expanded to other personal loan segments, as well as small business borrowers and patient and education financing.

See the chart below for information on products open to institutional accounts.1

Personal Loans Small Business Loans Patient Solutions
Super Prime Prime
(FICO 660+)
Near Prime (FICO < 660) Term Loans Line of Credit Payment Plans
Sample Use Cases New Large Purchases Refinancing, New Large Purchases Refinancing Capital Expenditures, Working Capital, Acquisitions Working Capital, Inventory Financing Elective Medical, K-12 Tuition, Tutoring
Loan Size $1k ‐ $50k $1k ‐ $40k $1k ‐ $20k $5k ‐ $300k $5k ‐ $300k $2k ‐ $50k
Interest Rates 3.99% ‐ 9.34% 5.32% ‐ 26.30% 19.99% ‐ 30.99% 5.90% ‐ 25.90% 6.25% ‐ 29.05% 3.99% ‐ 24.99%
Term 2, 3 & 7
3 & 5
3 & 5
1, 2, 3 & 5
Each Draw Term is 25 Months 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 yrs
Duration 0.9 ‐ 2.5
1.0 ‐ 1.9
0.9 ‐ 1.3
0.9 ‐ 2.2
0.9 ‐ 2.7
Payments Amortizing monthly Amortizing monthly Amortizing monthly Amortizing monthly Amortizing monthly Amortizing monthly

Detail on Our Flagship Standard Loan Program

Through Lending Club's standard loan program, institutions can purchase personal loans made to prime consumers looking to optimize the cost of their credit. The majority of borrowers in this program use our platform to pay off an existing credit card balance. Credit card balances carry interest at an average rate over 17% nationwide,2 and can be cost-effectively refinanced with a personal loan through Lending Club.

Lending Club assigns a grade (from A to D) to each loan based on the credit quality and underlying risk of the borrower.

Borrowers through the Lending Club platform are highly creditworthy. As of September 30, 2020, the average standard program Lending Club borrower has:

  • 703 FICO score
  • 18.20% debt-to-income ratio (excluding mortgage)
  • 16.4 years of credit history
  • $82,072 personal income (top 10% of US population)4
  • Average Loan Size: $15,121

Contact us to learn more about programs for:

Our dedicated Institutional Team has a wide range of investment management and trading experience, and can help you get started purchasing loans with Lending Club.

1 As of September 2020.

2 As of September 2020. IndexCreditCards.com

3 Projected return is a measure of potential returns on invested principal. It is calculated as follows: Average Effective Interest Rate - Expected Charge Off Rate - Estimated Fees. Individual results may vary and projections can change. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and the information presented is not intended to be investment advice, guidance, or a guarantee of performance.



The content on the following pages is intended for institutions only, such as:

  • Pension funds and corporate pension plans
  • Endowments and foundations
  • Banks
  • Finance companies
  • Asset managers
  • Insurance companies
  • Broker-dealers
  • Hedge funds

If you're an individual investor, please visit our homepage.

If you're a registered investment advisor, please visit our financial advisors page.

Information contained on the following pages of this website is intended for institutional investors. The information does not constitute an offer to buy or sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security. The products described may not be available to all institutional investors.