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What is Hyperledger Fabric?

What is Hyperledger Fabric?

Hyperledger Fabric, an open source project from the Linux® Foundation, is the modular blockchain framework and has become the unofficial standard for enterprise blockchain platforms.

Intended as a foundation for developing enterprise-grade applications and industry strategies, the open, modular architecture of Hyperledger Fabric uses plug-and-play components to accommodate a wide range of use cases.

Over 120,000 organizations and 15,000 engineers are collaborating on Hyperledger Fabric. This collaboration leads to a distinctive approach to consensus, enabling performance at scale and preserving the data privacy that enterprises demand.

As the flexible blockchain framework behind the IBM Blockchain® Platform, Hyperledger Fabric is helping innovators ignite a global business transformation.

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How Hyperledger Fabric works

Hyperledger Fabric is an open, enterprise-grade, distributed ledger platform. It has advanced privacy controls so you only share the data you want among the permissioned, or known, network participants.

Smart contracts document the business processes you want to automate with self-executing terms between the parties written into lines of code. The code and the agreements contained therein exist across the distributed, decentralized blockchain network. Transactions are trackable and irreversible, creating trust between organizations and enabling businesses to make more informed decisions quicker—saving time and reducing costs and risks.

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Benefits of Hyperledger Fabric

Permissioned network

Establish decentralized trust in a network of known participants rather than an open network of anonymous participants.

Confidential transactions

Share only the data you want to the parties you want to share it with.

Pluggable architecture

Tailor the blockchain to industry needs with a pluggable architecture rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

Simple to get started

Program smart contracts in the languages your team works in today, instead of learning custom languages and architectures.

Why Hyperledger Fabric is the framework under the IBM Blockchain Platform

IBM® recommends that businesses don't build a production blockchain system by using just the free open source. Along with other vendors, IBM offers commercial distributions that include tools and support.

The IBM Blockchain Platform, IBM's commercial version of Hyperledger Fabric, provides continuous support that is available all day, all week and all year round. This includes service level agreements (SLAs) for the open source solution. It comes with the most advanced set of productivity tools for building, governing and operating your blockchain system.

Hyperledger Fabric is an open source blockchain for business

Innovators in a wide range of industries are using Hyperledger Fabric. This includes sectors like finance, banking, healthcare, IoT, supply chain, manufacturing, and technology, all aiming to create open, standardized, enterprise-grade blockchain frameworks and code bases for tangible business results.

  • Companies part of Hyperledger: 148
  • Lines of code: 18.4 million
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IBM Support for Hyperledger Fabric

IBM Blockchain Platform: Hyperledger Fabric Support Edition provides SLAs and 24x7 enterprise support for Hyperledger Fabric, the de facto standard for enterprise blockchain platforms from the Linux Foundation.

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