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Ontario passes Cannabis Act, will take effect July 1, 2018

Liberals and New Democrats voted in favour of the legislation Tuesday while the Progressive Conservatives opposed it. The tally was 63 MPPs for the bill and 27 against.

2 min read

Marijuana will retail for $10 a gram by the Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation. It will be sold from behind the counter to patrons 19 and older.

The trillium is Ontario’s official flower and marijuana could now be considered the province’s official weed with the passage of the Cannabis Act.

Liberals and New Democrats voted 63 to 27 in favour of the legislation Tuesday with the Progressive Conservatives opposed as the province now begins work in earnest on how to split pot tax revenues with municipalities.

Rob Ferguson

Rob Ferguson is a Toronto-based reporter covering Ontario politics for the Star. Follow him on Twitter: @robferguson1.

Robert Benzie

Robert Benzie is the Star’s Queen’s Park bureau chief and a reporter covering Ontario politics. Follow him on social media: @robertbenzie.

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