Third-Party Risk Management

Your organization’s cyber risk extends beyond your organization. Anyone you work with — anyone who has access to your organization’s data — has the potential to open your business up to more vulnerabilities. With Third-Party Risk Management Services, we help effectively respond to Third-Party Risk Assessment questionnaires and conduct Third-Party Risk Assessments of your vendors, ensuring that critical data is secure. As a result, vendor lists grow, but your organization’s cyber risk level doesn’t have to.

As your organization becomes connected, vulnerabilities increase. We understand that everyone in the supply chain is connected to your organization’s bottom line. Our team merges deep expertise with our innovative software product to help compile the right questions, properly screen vendors, and develop remediation plans in case of a breach. With our support, your organization can confidently develop Third-Party security that is comprehensive, scalable, and measurable.

What We Do

Our Third-Party Risk Management services are proactive, comprehensive, and actionable, empowering your team with everything needed to build a secure vendor network.

How Your Organization Benefits

Get Expert Risk Management Services with SideChannel

Find out how your business can reduce risk from supply chain vulnerabilities and attacks with SideChannel’s third-party risk management expertise. Contact us today to learn more.