Hemp You Can Feel ™ Sweetener Challenge - Sign Up Here for Your Free Samples
What will you find by taking the Hemp You Can Feel™ Challenge? - The best hemp infusion technology on the market today.

Where most hemp extract and CBD products rely on chemicals to infuse cannabinoids, our products do this naturally powered by the advanced and patented Bee-Fuse Technology™ and Hemp You Can Feel™ technology.

No added chemicals, no bitter taste, and no clouded beverages.  It is simply the best technology available.  We invite you to try our sweetener line for free and hope you will tell us about your experiences.

Just answer a few simple questions and provide the address for mailing (US Address Only).  No cost or obligation and we promise not to share any of your information with anyone.

We hope you enjoy Hemp You Can Feel™ Sweeteners.

The all-natural choice.

Thank You,

Arman Tabatabaei
Chief Executive Officer
Cannabis Global, Inc.
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We are VERY Sorry but these samples have proven to be EXTREMELY popular and we have run out.  We will try to make more, but we cannot guarantee delivery.  Would you like to be placed on the waiting list? *
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Of course, the samples you will receive will contain hemp extracts and are intended only for persons over the age of 18.  Do you confirm you are over the age of 18 and that the samples are only for person over the age of 18? *
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There are five types of Hemp You Can Feel™ Sweeteners.  Please select the TWO types you would like to receive.  We will do our best to send your favorites depending on availability. *
Are you a shareholder or investor in Cannabis Global, Inc. (OTC:CBGL) - We love to send samples to our investors! *
Have you ever visited our website at www.HempYouCanFeel.com? *
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Our line Hemp You Can Feel™ Coffees and Alcohol Replacement Cocktail Mixers were recently added to the Amazon. Have you seen our products on Amazon?   *
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What is your First Name? *
What is your Last Name? *
Please enter your Street Address
Please use this line for any other information needed for your street address, such as an apartment number
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What is your Zip Code?
Thanks for your interest in Hemp You Can Feel™ Sweeteners.  Is there anything you would like to share with us about this or our other product lines?  We appreciate your constructive comments. *
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