Discover stocks with 10X-100X Upside potential…..

Recent NEXT SUPER STOCK presenters, NEXCF, CYDY, IPNFF, CBDT, PKK, FANS, ENTEF, VSBGF increased: +1,300% +1,540% +1,700% +1,200% & +5,000% since first being introduced to our livestream investor audiences….Numerous other stocks (TRIP, DOC, etc.) have increased  +300%-700% within weeks of their debut.

Don’t miss out on the next +10X winner – join the NEXT SUPER STOCK livestream! Join today’s most successful investors…and discover the Next Super Stock at the LIVESTREAM EVENT event everyone’s taking about…   


Learn the proven system for discovering stocks that can increase 10X-100X!


                #1 Best Seller by Jack Marks

     Click here to buy your copy on Amazon now!

Here’s just a few (unsolicited) testimonials from investors who profited:

“Turned $1,000 into $60,000 in 3 months”

“Hey man! I just want to thank you for your killer picks!  I turned $1,000 into over $60,000 in less than 3 months because of your WSR picks!  – SharkAttackZack 

“Literally life changing!” ($2,500,000 WIN)

“Hey Jack! I would like to send you something. What is your favourite cigar that I can possible purchase in Canada. If you send me your details. Appreciate everything you do! Literally life changing! I’m in many of WSR picks and have just over 1million shares of CBDT still. Entered 750k shares between 0.075-0.085 and the rest averaged up to .111. “
[CBDT peaked at $2.50 – making this position worth $2,500,000] – G20Tradez

“Your program has changed my life”

“….Your program has honestly changed my life” 

– Hammy, Founder StockFam Discord

“No smoke and mirrors. Your CEO Interviews do a great job finding out what shareholders and investor

“Really enjoy watching you on the videos. The guests are solid but you ask the tough questions and theirs no smoke and mirrors. You do a great job finding out what shareholders and investors are interested in.” [HNW investor who made 7 figure profits in WSR stocks]  – Tony Davinchi

“u changed my life” (Turned $2,000 into $1 million+)

“ ur amazing jack, thank u for ur stream..u have shown me the light u changed my life” (23 year old investor in Vancouver, Canada turned $2,000 into $1 million+ in 6 months, while still living with his parents) – Calvin Ting

“Amazing experience”

 “Hey Jack, first off let me say thank you. This has been an amazing experience! Opening doors for others as well as my self. We all owe you a lot of gratitude” – RZT

“Thanks to you Jack and WSR for my new house in Florida”

  “Thanks to you Jack and WSR for my new house in Florida, We flew 2 days ago, here for 6 months from cold Quebec Canada! 

“..I will probably be your second WSR stocks millionaire in the next 1-2 weeks, I am very close ! Thanks again Jack, I took a lower risk parlay strategy who worked very well for me. I will show you when in the 7 figures  – Gilbert St. Yves




NEXT SUPER STOCK Live! is Wall Street Reporter’s flagship investor conference series featuring presentations by a select group of companies which are at key inflection points, and at the threshold of explosive growth.


What makes the NEXT SUPER STOCK Live! conference unique, is all the presenting companies have near-term catalysts in place which can drive transformational growth (and stock appreciation) in the months ahead. 

Examples of value creation catalysts include: Major new product launches, mergers & acquisitions, new resource discoveries, FDA approvals, and other value creation events – which transform companies and create SUPER STOCKS.

Just as importantly as their exciting business fundamentals – each presenting company also benefits from high profile marketing to Wall Street Reporter’s global institutional investor audience over the coming months – resulting in increased market awareness for their stocks. Watching this livestream event, gives investors an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of what could be the “Next Super Stock” – before they are discovered by Wall Street.


NEXT SUPER STOCK Live! is a 1-hour online-only livestream event, featuring presentations from CEO’s of just three selected companies. The fast-paced 1-hour event format, features 15 minute CEO presentations followed by 5-minute Q&A.  (The event takes place from 12PM-1PM EST, allowing for investment professionals to watch during their lunch break in the trading day.) Event attendees gain maximum value, in minimum of time. 


Over the past 20 years, Wall Street Reporter’s investor conferences have earned a unique reputation for showcasing high-potential stocks – many of which go on to deliver “multi-bagger” profits, and become Super Stocks.


Event attendees include, leading fund managers, analysts, investment bankers, family offices, as well as sophisticated individual investors. If you’re a finance professional in the small-cap space, chances are your peers will be attending this live online event – shouldn’t you join them?

Presenting companies are announced 3 days before the event. 

You’ll have a first-hand opportunity to watch live presentation from CEO’s of today’s most exciting companies.

 Watch the fast-paced CEO presentations, and gain an insider perspective on the company’s unique opportunities and challenges, and learn about their upside potential – ahead of the crowd.

Interested in having YOUR company as a presenter at Wall Street Reporter’s next event?

Call Mr. Jack Marks 212-871-2057 ext. 7